Why is theater important for children?
is believed to be the oldest artistic expression known to man. Long before the written word, and probably before language itself, body movement and facial expressions conveyed information—warnings, joy, despair, anger, fear, celebration, and other communication necessary to building a healthy social system. In every culture, dance and story carry the history of the group and give it expression in ways accessible to every member. Because body language reaches levels of understanding that far exceed any other form of transmission, it is one of our most intrinsic response mechanisms, both in expression and reception. When words fail, the body takes over.
Experiential theater...
builds communication skills, encourages cooperation, and teaches critical thinking skills, all in the context of great fun and positive feedback. When this kind of direct involvement is applied to drama, the learning is enriched beyond measure.
Belief in the value of play & hands-on learning...
led us to create plays for our students that simultaneously serve multiple purposes: presentation of classic literature in a kid-friendly form; exposure to language in a context that expands both thinking and vocabularies; learning basic theater skills in a fun and exciting setting; integrating arts into costume and set design, and more...
Why classics?
It is our hope that we can engender in our children a love for the classics by presenting them early through the action-packed context of drama. Kids who participate in a child-size version of “Macbeth” or “Midsummer Nights Dream” invariably carry forward a love of Shakespeare. Those who perform in "Aladdin", “Beowulf”, “Don Quixote”, or any other classic book in kid-size dramatic form, soon own these tales and incorporate their messages about kindness, loyalty, honor, courage and other human themes into their developing personal ethic. Early introduction encourages an interest in all kinds of classic literature as part of lifelong love for learning.
contact us: directors@magnoliact.com